Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crumbled Gingerbread...

Remember the Purple Pansy Club, Meg?

Mother's new fire pit and "kum-by-ya" area... 
And what fire is good without "sit-upons"? I can't believe Meg was ever a girl scout.  Girl Scouts has a lot to do with nature.

Every year we decorate gingerbread houses over Thanksgiving break.  I'm normally the designated decorator.  Recently we've made it into a competition: boys vs. girls
 Sadly, when we opened the boxes to set up our pre-made house,
they were BOTH crumbled.  Thanks, walmart.  
Hopefully mother has gone back to the source and demanded new ones.
The girls are ready for a challenge...


Meg said...

oh the purple pansies...
oh rirey...
and of course. my game face is ready.

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